enCloud9 Helps Aureon Rescue a Failed CRM

Elmwood Reclaimed Timber | enCloud9 | Dynamics 365 Success Story

Des Moines, IA
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Products Used:

  • Dynamics 365

enCloud9 Services:

  • Dynamics 365 Optimization
  • Rescue and Repair

Client Overview: Aureon, a prominent Business Support services firm headquartered in Des Moines, has been a trailblazer in its industry since its establishment in 1986. Founded originally as Iowa Network Services, the company’s primary mission was to facilitate connectivity among independent telephone companies (ITCs). However, a strategic rebranding initiative in 2016 marked the beginning of an extraordinary transformation journey for Aureon, one characterized by expansion and diversification, aimed at catering to the ever-evolving needs of their diverse clientele.

The Challenge: Aureon, like many organizations, encountered a common predicament. Several years ago, they implemented Dynamics CRM without the guidance of professional expertise. This led to a CRM system that struggled to meet their intricate requirements, resulting in underutilization and issues of reliability.

Our Solution: Recognizing the critical need for CRM system improvement, Aureon turned to enCloud9 for specialized assistance. Reviving and Enhancing Dynamics 365 for Aureon started with a thorough systems audit and a comprehensive process review, conducted through collaborative synergy with Aureon. Equipped with invaluable insights, enCloud9 and Aureon embarked on a joint journey to construct a comprehensive CRM enhancement plan. This plan was strategically designed to tackle their unique challenges head-on and breathe new life into the underperforming CRM system.

Results Achieved: The fruits of our collective efforts have been nothing short of remarkable. For the first time in their history, Aureon and its dedicated workforce can confidently rely on Dynamics 365 to deliver real-time, pertinent information. This newfound capability empowers them to not only nurture but also effectively manage client relationships, unlocking a treasure trove of operational efficiency and client engagement potential. enCloud9 fortified Aureon’s client relationships by harnessing the capabilities of Dynamics 365.

Conclusion: This success narrative stands as a testament to enCloud9’s unparalleled expertise in resurrecting and optimizing faltering CRM systems. Our experience extends across numerous companies that have inherited suboptimal Dynamics 365 CRM setups. Through our tailor-made Dynamics 365 CRM Solution, aptly named “Rescue and Repair,” we transcend mere recovery; we align CRM systems with our clients’ strategic objectives, delivering tangible results and operational excellence. As Aureon’s journey exemplifies, Dynamics 365 optimization is not merely an upgrade but a transformative endeavor capable of revolutionizing client relationships and business support services.