Bad Customer Service Trap| enCloud9

Don’t Fall into the Bad Customer Service Trap – 10 Things to Avoid

Why do customers stop doing business with you?

Do you know the #1 reason customers stop doing business with a business? You’ll be surprised that the answer isn’t that a company’s pricing is too high or their product insufficient. According to Hubspot and Microsoft, 90% of Americans use customer service as a main factor in deciding whether or not to do business with a company. Also, a surprising 58% of American consumers will switch companies because of poor customer service.

Customers, whether happy or unhappy, tend to tell an average of 9-10 people about their experience. I don’t know about you, but I want those 9-10 people to tell about a positive experience with my company. Almost half of consumers will share their customer service experience, whether good or bad. Most of them posting on Facebook, followed closely by Instagram.

When thinking of what NOT to do, the first thing you need to do is put yourself in the customer’s shoes. You need to think how they think. What do you like/not like, as a customer? What do you expect, in terms of customer service? Here are 10 customer service pitfalls to avoid.

10 customer service pitfalls to avoid

The first two reasons are at the top of our list for a reason. They are probably the most important rules to providing excellent customer service.

  1. Not showing them that you care. Customers want to know that you genuinely care! Empathy can be very helpful here. People are more likely to want to do business with someone who “has been there” or knows how they feel. 2/3 of the customer’s journey is based on how the customer feels they are being treated.

2. Not Listening to Client.  You want to listen, really listen, to your customers in order to understand their needs.  We were given two ears and one mouth for a reason.  Once you have heard their problem, you can offer them the best solution possible. This is one of the most common mistakes we see in customer service. Don’t assume anything.

3. Not Being Honest and Keeping Customers Updated. This is extremely important. I can think of one recent instance in which I wasn’t kept updated, or in the “loop.”  It’s frustrating, as a customer. You want to build trust. When you build trust with your customers, they will likely come back and they will hopefully send others your way).

4. Never, Never show your agitation. Yes- working with customers can be infuriating, but NEVER, EVER let them see your anger.  It’s not a lot different than dealing with children. They can sense your frustration!

5. Taking Too Long. No one wants to be forgotten, which is how customers feel when something is taking to long…forgotten.  As I stated earlier, the number one rule of customer service is to put yourself in their shoes. How do you feel when something takes too long, particularly when there is no communication?

6. Not Using Clear Language. Try to avoid jargon or any analogies that might make them feel stupid. Use clear, concise, and plain language when explaining things to customers.

7. Being Rude or Impolite. This seems to be Business 101, but sometimes we all let emotions take charge and we say or do things we shouldn’t.  I can’t stress how important it is to be polite all the time and remember “the customer is always right.”  They didn’t HAVE to choose you over your competitors. You want to keep their business – now and in the future.  You also want them to give you good referrals to their acquaintances.

8. Not Resolving the Problem.  You want to find the customer a quick solution to their problem. The more you take off their plate and the more you make their life easier, the happier they will be. If you don’t solve their problem, they are not likely to want to return to you for business and refer others.

9. Not Being Professional- It is important to present yourself in a positive manner, both in person and online. When I was starting my professional career, something one of my superiors said has always stuck out in my mind…”Dress for the job you want.”  Look at what other business professionals wear and what they do.  Look at their online profiles.

In this day and age of social media, people do their research before they hire someone or purchase a product. In fact, according to research 80-85% of people go online before making a purchase/hiring decision. People want to hire someone professional.

Appearing professional is important, but equally so is acting professionally.  Know your product inside and out, as well as staying current on trends and news in your line of work.

10. Not Being Willing to Do What the Customer Wants. This goes back to the listening. Have you REALLY listened to your customer? If the answer is yes and you know your product really well, you will be able to provide them with the best solution possible. I will reiterate one of my earlier points…the customer is always right. You have to be willing to do what the customer wants, however outrageous it may seem!

In conclusion

The importance of customer service can not be overstated. Putting in the effort to provide excellent customer service will provide great returns.

If you are cognizant of these 10 pitfalls to avoid, you can avoid falling into the bad customer service trap and you can rise to the top of the customer service game.   As a result,  you can turn one-time customers into lifelong customers and gain more referrals.  You want your brand or company to evoke positive feelings.

In this blog, we’ve given you 10 pitfalls to avoid. Click here to learn more simple strategies for providing excellent customer service that you can implement today.

How can we help you with improving your Customer Service?

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is designed with the principle of providing excellent service for your customers. To learn more about how Microsoft Dynamics 365 empowers agents to provide the seamless customer service they deserve, visit our customer service page. One area in which Dynamics 365 shines bright is in Case Management. Click here to see a live demo of Case Management

Visit our blog to read more about customer service.

Intelligent customer service empowers you to deliver effortless experiences that leave your customers thinking not about the process, but just how easy their journey was. If you are ready to get started with Dynamics 365 Customer service, we can get you started quickly with our Service Accelerator.


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Kristin Caniglia
Kristin Caniglia joined enCloud9 in 2015 as an Accounts and Marketing Manager. She uses her skills to deliver an awesome client experience as well as publicize the Services that enCloud9 provides. When not working, she likes taking care of her garden and riding her bike on the Omaha trail network.