Maximize Your Social ROI With ClickDimensions Social Engagement


ClickDimensions Social Engagement – designed exclusively for Dynamics 365 users

ClickDimensions social engagement is a complete social media marketing platform designed exclusively for Dynamics users. This powerful platform is an add-on module to the ClickDimensions marketing automation solution. ClickDimensions social engagement platform goes way beyond the out of the box solution. ClickDimensions has partnered with social media solution vendor, Oktopost to bring users a way to effectively manage all their social media activity- including scheduling, publishing, analytics and much more.  The social engagement platform is the perfect complement to the social marketing features available out of the box in ClickDimensions. The platform goes beyond the out-of-the-box posting functionalities.

Designed specifically for B2B marketers

This user-friendly platform is designed specifically for B2B marketers who need smart, time saving solutions that maximize their social media ROI. The reason the social engagement platform is B2B rather than B2C is that every action taken within the tool is measurable/ So from post to click to conversion you can better understand your social media strategy, track conversions coming in through social, and better understand how social is affecting your ROI. The platform is segmented by campaigns for a couple reasons. One reason is that other marketing platforms are segmented by campaigns, so in order to keep with the flow, the ClickDimensions Social Engagement platform is also segmented by campaigns. The other reason this platform segments by campaigns is that it makes is easier to not only find your posts later on, but also to filter and find data.

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There are 5 main components to the ClickDimensions social engagement platform – Social Publishing, Social Listening, Content Curation, Analytics, Viewing Data in CRM. I will briefly mention advocacy, as it is an add-on feature.

Upon logging in to the Social Engagement platform, you will be directed to the dashboard. From the dashboard, you can choose where you ant to go and what you want to do. The four icons along the left hand side navigation are publishing, streams, inbox, advocacy, and analytics. On the bottom of the left hand navigation, you’ll find your settings (your face) and notifications.

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Upon logging on, if there are any new updates to the platform, you will see a pop-up box on the lower left hand of the screen.

Social Publishing

Social publishing allows you to schedule content in advance, letting the platform do the rest – spreading your posts across your schedule. It is easy to schedule posts, across networks, and from your marketing teams. There are two ways to create a new post –  by clicking on the blue New Post button on the calendar or by going to the campaign and clicking on that same New Post button. You will notice that the pop up box is automatically separated into the three networks, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. (Instagram is listen only at this time). The reason it is segmented by network is so that you can follow best social media practice and customize your posts, according to the network.

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To view your scheduled posts, go to the Calendar. From the calendar, you can do many things. You can see at a glance what is posting and to where in every campaign. You can also view individual reports from posts that have already done out. You can easily edit the day your scheduled posts is to go out by simply hovering over the network icon and dragging and dropping. You can also edit posts that have not gone out, by clicking on the blue Edit button. There you can edit text, image/video, date, time, or message.

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Color coded campaigns make it easy to quickly see which campaign you are posting to.

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Social Listening

Social listening is important to B2B marketers, as it allows us to stay on top of the relevant social conversations happening all around us. Not only does it allow for better engagement with our existing audience, it also helps us to find new connections. Streams are the platforms social listening component. Streams are updated in real-time and you can make as many streams as you like.

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Streams enable you to easily monitor and engage in social conversations across multiple networks. Each social platform has different capabilities and functionalities. Streams allow you to cut through the social media noise and focus on the discussions that really matter. Within the stream, you can like, comment, or retweet –all from one platform!

Another nice feature of streams is the ability to create live monitors that track specific keywords, mentions, and company pages.

Content Curation

Automated content curation makes it easy to post content to your social profiles that your audience wants to hear about. Never miss out on content that is relevant to your organization. Not only does content curation promote thought leaders, but also establishes you as a knowledgebase and an authority to your audience. There are a couple of ways that you can post curated content in the ClickDimensions Social Engagement Platform. Click on the publishing icon and you can choose either Content or Feedly.

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Under Content, you can add topics of interest and view chosen articles in a particular area. From here, you can choose to read the article, share the article, or save the article.

It is important to note that content curation is not automatically assigned to a campaign so you will have to assign it to a campaign when you create the post.

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The other way of posting curated content is by using Feedly. Again, after choosing the topic on interest, you will have the same options – read the article, share the article, or save the article.

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The analytics portion of this tool is what set this social engagement tool apart from others. Being present on social media is important, but the type of content you are posting is more important. You can tell by analytics how certain types of posts and campaigns are performing. This important information can be used to drive your social media strategy. (For example, if a certain type of content is not doing particularly well, you can examine why and make changes accordingly. On the other hand, if a certain type of content is doing really well, you know you want to do more of that). The advanced social analytics within the ClickDimensions social engagement tool reveal the effectiveness of your social marketing efforts and their impact on revenue and the sales pipeline. From clicks to conversions, learn how your social content is performing with real B2B metrics. Below is the Analytics navigation – showing all the different types of analytics you can get.

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The first type of analytics you can get are acquisition analytics.

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You can view engagement by network…

or engagement by time of day.

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You can get audience analytics, which will show you things such as follower trends, total followers, followers by network, and mentions.

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You can also see audience demographics on this page.

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Content analytics allow you to really get in and look at the type of content you are putting out and its effects. Here you will see such things as top engaging posts, status updates, and top converting links..

There are many types of reports available within the social engagement tool.

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Viewing Your Data in CRM

To view your social data in CRM, navigate to ClickDimensions

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Go to the bottom of the list and choose social posts or social clicks, whichever you want to view.

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Expand your social media strategy with social advocacy

As mentioned previously, the advocacy component is an add-on functionality. When choosing your ClickDimensions Social Engagement package, you must determine if fits in with your company’s social media strategy. Advocacy expands social reach by providing your employees and partners with the tools they need to contribute to your company’s social media efforts. Social advocacy boards allow teams to share content to their social networks and compare each other’s activity through a leaderboard.

Start maximizing your social media ROI today with ClickDimensions Social Engagement

There’s no doubt that social selling, social engagement, and social perception are important in today’s market. ClickDimensions social engagement platform is the perfect complement to the social marketing features already available out-of-the box in ClickDimensions.  There’s a social engagement package for every need.  Contact enCloud today to learn more. We will work with you to find the package that best fits your company’s needs.

For more information on the Social Engagement Tool, download the ClickDimensions Social Engagement Data Sheet. The ClickDimensions Social Engagement tool is an integrated social media marketing tool that allows you to easily manage various social campaigns and post single or multiple messages to your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. To learn how you can close more deals with marketing automation, visit our blog.